
More Progress – East African Flower Industry

In Uncategorized on June 3, 2006 at 2:13 pm

I was going to post this a couple of weeks ago, but I went on a 2 week trip where I have been out of the loop! Hopefully more postings to come later in the week!

Just reading this article in the LA Times…
Progress Blooms on Kenyan Soil – Los Angeles Times

In a couple of my recent posts I was noticing how Ghana has introduced food processing and how that is a part of moving up the poverty ladder towards a more developed-country lifestyle in Africa. This article, about the flower industry in Kenya, is along the same lines. However, the difference here is the flower factory in the article, Sher, is wholly Dutch owned.

Sher Agencies’ factory-town operations is reminiscent of early 20th century mining towns in the Appalachians in America. Fortunately, Sher is not repeating the evils of that time, printing their own currency or engaging in other bad practices.

  1. Here are some Peace Corps / Niger blogs that I have found. If you know of any others that I have missed please let me know. Thanks!-Mike SheppardRPCV / The Gambiawww.journeyacrossafrica.blogspot.com==http://www.aracnet.com/~garba/niger/http://bylandairsea.blogspot.com/http://www.friendsofniger.org/http://www.geocities.com/athens/olympus/9501/http://www.joelmayer.com/niger/http://www.katherinehwdick.blogspot.com/http://linux.duke.edu/~louie/krissa.net/PC/http://nataliestomorrows.blogspot.com/http://peacebass.blogspot.com/http://www.shannonigans.com/http://shoes-off.blogspot.com/http://www.sjb.org/galleries/niger/http://tieguy.org/http://voxsouley.blogspot.com/http://www.xanga.com/elizabethhardy==


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